27 Mar 2019

This content is tagged as Craft and Object art .


Creative New Zealand is inviting applications for the prestigious Craft Object Fellowship

Established craft/object practitioners, curators and writers are invited to apply for the fellowship and receive up to $100,000 from Creative New Zealand, for work on a significant craft/object project over the next two years.

The Creative New Zealand Craft/Object Fellowship supports work for a  project in traditional applied arts or contemporary practice, and includes customary and contemporary Māori and Pasifika craft/object projects and practices.

The successful recipient can use the funding to cover the time and resources they need to commit to a period of deep investigation, experimentation or research in their practice, and towards their project.

“We are looking for a project that supports the development of new skills and  practice, and where new, high-quality New Zealand craft/object artwork will be created,” said Cath Cardiff, Creative New Zealand Senior Manager, Arts Development Services.

Craft/object genres supported include, but are not limited to, ceramics, furniture, glass, jewellery, object making, studio-based design, raranga, tāniko, tapa making, textiles, tivaevae, typography, and weaving.

Applications close on Friday 12 April at 5pm. [Extended from 29 March]

Creative New Zealand has offered the fellowship since 2004, initially annually and now two-yearly.

Previous recipients:

  • Katy Wallace (2017)
  • Dr Areta Wilkinson (2015)
  • Garry Nash (2013)
  • Baye Riddell (2011)
  • Moyra Elliott (2009)
  • Rangi Kipa (2006)
  • Peter Lange (2005)
  • Malcolm Harrison (2004).

Further information and how to apply

For media enquiries, please contact:

Rebecca Sellwood, Senior Communications and Advocacy Adviser, Creative New Zealand
P: +64 04 473 0187 | E: rebecca.sellwood@creativenz.govt.nz