28 Aug 2012

The UNESCO/Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme and the Instituto Sacatar in Itaparica, Brazil, are pleased to announce the upcoming selection process for the UNESCO/Aschberg bursaries to Sacatar.
Three bursaries will be awarded for an eight-week artist residency at Sacatar’s beachside estate on the island of Itaparica in Brazil.
The bursary includes:
- Airfare from the artist’s closest international airport to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil (arranged and provided by UNESCO/Aschberg)
- A personal studio appropriate to the artist’s discipline
- A private room with attached bath
- Meal service
- Logistical support for the duration of the artist’s stay
During the residency, the artist is free to use the time and space as he or she sees fit, but we encourage artists to take full advantage of our beachside location on the island of Itaparica, across the bay from Salvador, Brazil, in the heart of the Brazilian state of Bahia, with its strong local culture deeply rooted in traditions out of Africa.
Applicants to the UNESCO/Aschberg bursaries must be:
- between the ages of 25 and 35 at the time of application;
- born and living in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Russia and/or the former socialist republics, Australia, New Zealand and/or the Pacific Islands (that is, from anywhere in the world except from the Americas or Western Europe).
Artists may submit applications in the following disciplines:
- Visual Arts (including performance, photography, handicrafts, architecture, etc.)
- Music Composition
- Creative Writing (in any language)
Full details can be found under APPLICATION at www.sacatar.org.
The three UNESCO/Aschberg bursaries will be awarded for the following eight-week residency session: 6 MAY – 1 JULY 2013
Applications must be sent electronically to unesco-aschberg@sacatar.org. There is no application fee for the UNESCO/Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme.
Click on the APPLICATION page at www.sacatar.org for full details about how to apply for one of the UNESCO/Aschberg bursaries to Sacatar and to DOWNLOAD the UNESCO/Aschberg Application Form.
CATEGORIES: Fellowships awards and residencies Latest news and blog