30 Jun 2009

A residency opportunity of two months in Beijing for a young (35 and under) arts professional is being offered by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.
Beijing is a city in motion, and its emerging contemporary art scene consequently shares that characteristic. More and more international artists want to witness this dynamic and have the opportunity to work and live in such an active city.
This residency is available for a period during October – December 2009 and will be hosted by the Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Platform China).
Platform China is located in the East End art district of Beijing, in Caochangdi Village, just 15 minutes away from the 798 art district. The village is a newly emerging artistic community where more and more artist studios and art centres are opening.
Platform China will provide the successful candidate with the opportunity to learn about China, communicate with Chinese artists, and to establish networks and dialogues between Chinese and international artists. Visual artists, new media artists, photographers, curators, writers, designers, and researchers are all invited to apply for this opportunity.
The candidate will be required to hold an open studio and to present the results of their residency at the end of their stay. They will also be required to conduct a series of presentations or an exhibition in New Zealand upon their return. An exhibition in Beijing is possible but not mandatory.
The Asia New Zealand Foundation will provide:
• a return economy airfare between New Zealand and Beijing
• accommodation
• a stipend of NZ$40 per day
• NZ$500 towards production costs
• the cost of a single entry tourist visa
• a contribution of NZ$300 towards travel insurance.
Applicants must be aged 35 years or under, New Zealand citizens or permanent residents and able to exercise a degree of autonomy and self reliance.
Professional practising artists with a record of achievement in the preferred genres of arts practice are invited to submit a written application to Asia New Zealand Foundation by no later than 5pm on Friday, July 31 2009.
A panel appointed by Asia New Zealand Foundation will select a shortlist of candidates, from which Platform China will make a choice. Selection criteria will include:
• a specific artistic rationale for wishing to be resident in China;
• an understanding of the aims of the Asia New Zealand Foundation;
• a clear understanding of the environment and cultures of contemporary China.
• Friday 31 July: Application deadline
• Monday 10 August: shortlisted applications sent to Platform China
• Monday 17 August: successful candidate advised
• August – October: arrangements for residency made
• Mid October – mid December: residency takes place (dates to be confirmed between Platform China and artist)
Please fill out the Asia New Zealand Foundation application form (download here) and send three copies of the supporting material requested. Please also include letters of support.
Please DO NOT send material which is spiral bound or in clear-files. Support material will not be returned. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ORIGINAL MATERIAL IN AN APPLICATION.
Post to:
Monica Turner
Projects Officer, Culture
Asia New Zealand Foundation
PO Box 10 144
Wellington 6143
For further information please contact:
Monica Turner: Phone 04-4708708. Email: mturner@asianz.org.nz
For more information please see www.platformchina.org or www.asianz.org.nz
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals, International Latest news and blog