22 Sep 2010

Simon Lawrence
25 September–7 November 2010
Opening preview: Friday 24 September 2010, 5.30pm
Hard Problem, hermeneutic prophecy joint and glowing hive-mind grotto, Humans is a resonant mobilizing of Simon Lawrence’s psychic back catalogue, its cardboard ecologies, coarse portals and PVC trancefers channeling the 5th dimension Arcturian Fortress and conferencing with a ruffled, curatorial Tui whose Ja Rule baritone is both sagacious and sardonic in its videoed manifestation. Assaulting the delicacy of the air and feeding onto the space chords, Lawrence’s cellular rift sets up an intro- and outro-spective taunt: Before your planet is granted intergalactic status, you’ve got to begin to think and act in morphic, resonant coherence.
Simon Lawrence is an artist based in Christchurch. Graduating from the
University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts, he has consistently shown
throughout New Zealand including: Architecture for the Nation, ARTSPACE
(2008); Telecom Prospect, City Gallery Wellington (2007); Another Destination, Christchurch Art Gallery (2007); and Break: Construct, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery (2006). In December Simon will travel to Denmark as the 2010 recipient of the COCA Guthrey Travel Award.
For further information on this exhibition please contact The Physics Room on +64 3 379 5583 or email physicsroom@physicsroom.org.nz
Mike Boulden
25 September–7 November 2010
Opening preview: Friday 24 September 2010, 5.30pm
"Trichromatic colour vision is the ability of humans and some other animals to see different colours, mediated by interactions among three types of coloursensing cone cells."
Mike Boulden is a Christchurch based artist currently completing his Honours in Film at the University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts. He graduated with a Bachelor of Design from CPIT in 1999 and recent projects include the collaborative video installation An Infinite Entropy Machine, HSP (2007) and the screen printed High Street Project Quarterly publication (2007).
For further information on this exhibition please contact The Physics Room on +64 3 379 5583 or email physicsroom@physicsroom.org.nz