13 May 2009

The Kathleen Grattan Award
Auckland poet Kathleen Grattan, a journalist and former editor of the New Zealand Womans Weekly, died in 1990. A member of the Titirangi Poets, her work was published in Landfall and other volumes including Premier Poets, a collection from the World Poetry Society. Her daughter Jocelyn Grattan, who also worked for the New Zealand Womans Weekly, shared her mothers love of literature. She has generously left Landfall a bequest with which to establish an award in memory of Kathleen Grattan.
About the Competition
The award is for an original collection of poems or a long poem by a New Zealand or Pacific resident or citizen. Entries will be accepted from 1 May each year. The closing date will be 31 July each year and the winner will be announced in the November issue of Landfall. The announcement will be made in the November issue of Landfall. The winner will receive $16,000 and a years subscription to Landfall.
Conditions of Entry
1. Entries will be a collection of poems or a long poem with a minimum length of 20 pages.
2. Entries will be unpublished, original work.
3. Entrants will be New Zealand or Pacific permanent residents or citizens.
4. Only one entry per person will be accepted.
5. The Judge will assess the merits of submissions and reserve the right not to award a prize.
6. No correspondence with the Judge will be entered into.
7. Landfall/Otago University Press reserves the right of first publication of the winning entry. All entries will be considered for publication.
8. The name and photograph of the winning writer may be used by Landfall and/or its publishers for publicity purposes.
9. No present or past employees of Otago University Press or present editors of Landfall are eligible to enter.
How to Enter
Manuscripts should be supplied in hard and soft copies, with text saved as RTF, MS Word or text-only files on a CD. Email entries will not be accepted.
Two hard copies of manuscripts are required. Entrants should include a stamped, addressed envelope for return of their manuscripts.
The entrants name, address and telephone number should appear ONLY on a separate cover sheet of the manuscript. Please ensure the title of the submission is on this sheet and on the manuscript itself.
Entries should be addressed to:The Kathleen Grattan Award, Otago University Press, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand.
or contact: landfall@otago.ac.nz, or Editor, Otago University Press, ph. (03) 479 5851