17 Sep 2014

Creative New Zealand has launched a new Asia/New Zealand Co-Commissioning Fund to support collaborative projects between New Zealand and Asia-based arts organisations.
The fund will offer a total of $750,000 over the next three financial years. It is part of Creative New Zealand’s new Focus on Asia initiative to build stronger artistic and cultural connections with North East Asia.
Creative New Zealand is calling for proposals from artists and arts organisations in any artform that:
support the commissioning of high quality contemporary new work
build successful artistic and organisational relationships
provide presentation opportunities in New Zealand and Asia to build audiences.
Proposals must include presenting partners in New Zealand and in at least one of the following countries: China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore. Priority will be given to proposals where the presenting partners are also investing in the development of the new work.
Those providing proposals need to:
have work suitable for presentation to domestic and international audiences by July 2017
meet Creative New Zealand’s general eligibility criteria
have a track record of delivering high quality work.
To ensure reciprocity the fund can support artist fees for Asian artists and practitioners working in collaboration with New Zealand artists.
The fund will be offered through one funding round in 2014 and two funding rounds in 2015. More information on the Asia/New Zealand Co-Commissioning Fund and how to apply can be found on the Creative New Zealand website.
Timing for 2014:
20 October Closing date for proposals
21 November Notification of decisions
Timing for 2015:
18 May Closing date for proposals
19 June Notification of decisions
CATEGORIES: Capability building, Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals, International Latest news and blog