21 Feb 2012

Whatever happened to...? Talente: One Year On - an exciting installation to be held in the Objectspace Window Gallery, Auckland.
Objectspace is delighted to present Talente: One Year On - an exciting installation to be held in the Objectspace Window Gallery, Auckland.
The exhibition will showcase the new work of 2011 Talente exhibitors Rachel Bell, Corrina Hoseason, Sam Kelly, Flora Sekanova, and Anzac Tasker.
These five makers and designers were selected to represent New Zealand at Talente in Germany in 2011.
Talente is one of Europe’s most prestigious showcases for emerging talent in design, craft, and technology from all over the world. New Zealand’s representation at Talente is funded directly by Creative New Zealand as a key international strategy for New Zealand craft and design.
Situated in a huge exhibition and events center, Talente takes place as a special exhibition at the major International Trade Fair in Munich, Germany in March of each year. It is one of four exhibitions that is organised and funded by the Handwerkskammer fur Munchen und Oberbayern, the others being Exempla, Schmuck and Meister der Moderne.
Talente: One Year On will give its New Zealand audience a chance to see some of the outstanding work that was presented by these New Zealand makers at Talente 2011 through displaying a large scale photograph of this work, as well as showcasing what these five makers have been working on in the past year since they were at Talente – one year on.
Maker Corrina Hoseason states, “One year on, attending Talente is still proving to be a pivotal experience that continues to benefit my practice.”
The significance of Talente for young New Zealand makers and designers:
Contemporary jeweller Rachel Bell has just completed a Masters of Design by Project at Unitec, Auckland (2011), and was included in the exhibition Touch Pause Engage at Keeper Gallery, Sydney (2010) and Objectspace (2011).
"Showing at and attending Talente was an incredible opportunity to view a huge range of high quality jewellery and applied art works while meeting the people involved in this industry around the world" said Rachel, "this experience fuelled major changes in my thinking and making".
Ceramicist Corrina Hoseason will undertake a residency at the prestigious European Ceramic Work Centre in the Netherlands this year, and has been invited to exhibit work at Gallerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
"One year on, attending Talente is still proving to be a pivotal experience that continues to benefit my practice" Corrina said, "being given the opportunity to accompany my work to Germany allowed me to sample trends, techniques and opportunities half a world away, encouraging me to take a more international approach when considering my work."
Contemporary jeweller Sam Kelly is part of the international Handshake, Prentice and Prodigy project between 12 New Zealand jewellery graduates and the heroes that inspire them, and has exhibited throughout New Zealand and Australia. Sam recalled, "Talente was by far the biggest opportunity and experience of my life so far. To find out how the jewellery machine works and what each of the components are made up of. To meet the other jewellers, who I consider Superstars. To see more jewellery in one sitting than I ever had before and will again".
Contemporary jeweller Flora Sekanova received second prize at the prestigious Objective Art Awards (2011), and won the Supreme Art Award of Rodney District Council in 2010.
Graphic designer Anzac Tasker was awarded the Urbis Future designer of the year in 2010 and won a number of awards at New Zealand’s Best Awards including the gold for his student entry in 2010. He currently works fulltime at one of New Zealand’s most established design agencies Designworks.
"The time I spent in Munich and at Talente was like a creative dessert. Since the experience [at Talente] I have been able to translate my observations of tactile craftsmanship into my own work space and also implement them into a commercial environment" Anzac said.
Talente: One Year On at Objectspace has been programmed concurrently with Talente 2012 in Munich (14-20 March 2012), to generate awareness of this important international event and the significant contribution of New Zealand makers.
On show simultaneously in the Main Gallery at Objectspace, Auckland will be the annual Best in Show 2012 exhibition. Most of the Talente: One Year On exhibitors have been selected for past Best in Show exhibitions.
Public Programme: Friday 9th March at 5.30pm. Join three of the artists – Rachel Bell, Sam Kelly and Corrina Hoseason - for an artists’ floor talk.
For more information contact:
Laura Howard
Objectspace Programme Manager
Phone: (09) 376 6216 or 027 508 4311
Email: laura@objectspace.org.nz
Title: Talente: One Year On
Venue: Objectspace Window Gallery, 8 Ponsonby Rd, Auckland
Date: 9 March 2012
Info: Mon-Sat, 10:00am – 5:00pm, free admission
Email: laura@objectspace.org.nz
CATEGORIES: Events Latest news and blog