08 Jun 2010

The New Zealand International Arts Festival (NZIAF) is committed to fostering the development of new work from New Zealand and Pacific artists and companies and invites arts practitioners from all artistic disciplines to submit applications for inclusion in the NZIAF’s Show and Tell to be held in November, 2010.
NZIAF seeks to continually engage with the creative sector and encourages new innovative work. Show and Tell is just one method employed by NZIAF as a vehicle to support the development of new ideas and concepts with potential for presentation by NZIAF and/or other national and international presenters.
Financial assistance is given to selected applicants to progress their initial concept to a form whereby they are able to meaningfully present and convey a solid sense of their project’s potential to the NZIAF and other industry partners. The Show and Tell process culminates in those presentations being delivered to invited festival directors, industry partners and presenters during the first week of Wellington.
Inclusion in the Show and Tell process is not essential for ultimate presentation at the 2012 New Zealand International Arts Festival. NZIAF is open to discussion concerning new work outside the Show and Tell timeline. However Show and Tell is widely recognised as a valuable platform for supporting creative dialogue, development of projects and communicating ideas and potential works to the wider industry.
Please contact Diana Cable at the New Zealand International Arts Festival by email or phone (04) 496 5492 for details on how best present your proposal, theapplicant criteria and for further detailsabout the Show and Tell process.
Selection remains at the discretion of NZIAF.
Important dates
Proposals should be submitted no later than 1 July, 2010.
Decision and notification of who has been selected for the next Show and Tell will be made by end of July.
The next Show and Tell will take place in Wellington in the first week of November 2010.
Please send all proposals to:
Show and Tell
New Zealand International Arts Festival
PO Box 10 -113
New Zealand
Or by email to Diana Cable.
• The first Show and Tell was held in 1997 to find new work for the 1998 New Zealand International Arts Festival.
• Subsequent Show & Tells have been held in 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008.
• Shows that have successfully come out of the Show & Tell process include
Unseasonable Fall of Snow, Flowers from my Mother’s Garden, Haruru Mai, Woman far Walking, The World’s Wife, Ranterstantrum, Geographical Cure, The Prophet, Quartet, Dr Buller’s Birds, King & Country, Instructions for Modern Living, The Trial of the Cannibal Dog, The Dentist’s Chair, Te Karakia, Where We Once Belonged, Mark Twain and me in Mâoriland, The Trial and Tama Ma..
Show & Tell is produced by the New Zealand International Arts Festival, with funding support from Creative New Zealand.
CATEGORIES: Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals Latest news and blog