07 Jun 2011

This content is tagged as Multi-Artform .


New Asian Imaginations Researching the Arts in Southeast Asia 19 21 Sept Singapore

19 - 21 September 2011, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Singapore

From visual arts to performing arts, from design to film-making, from theory to practice, from history to contemporary culture, the New Asian Imaginations: (Re)searching the Arts in Southeast Asia symposium is bringing together international arts academics, practitioners and professionals for a fresh discussion on the arts in Southeast Asia.

Participants can expect engaging dialogues with a diverse group of paper presenters coming from around the world such as Brunei, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, UK and USA.

Full symposium access, including opening performances, lunches and coffee breaks, is at S$350.

For more information and registration, go to http://newasianimaginations.nafa.edu.sg