21 Jul 2014

Applications are invited from graphic novelists and comic artists who wish to participate in a residential exchange between Taiwan and New Zealand. The exchange will enable three New Zealand artists to collaborate on the creation of a single graphic novel with three of their peers from Taiwan. The completed work will be published in a joint initiative by the Publishers Association of New Zealand and the Taipei Book Fair Foundation and launched at the Taipei International Book Exhibition in February 2015, where New Zealand will be the Guest of Honour.
The first phase of the residency will take place in the Auckland region from Monday 13 October 2014 to Saturday 18 October 2014. The second phase will be in Taiwan and will take place from Monday 2 February 2015 to Friday 6 February 2015. The successful applicants will also be invited to remain in Taiwan for part of the Book Fair which will take place from 11–16 February 2015. Occasional video conferencing or Skype opportunities between the collaborators will also be made available.
The aim of the exchange is to:
- foster collaboration between artists
- enable the creation and publication of a cross-cultural graphic novel
- create an opportunity for graphic novels to be discussed and explored within an international context.
A fee of $2,500 is offered to each participating graphic novelist. This fee includes the cost of any artist materials required. If necessary, travel expenses to Auckland will be covered. Accommodation and meals will be provided during the period of the residency.
Travel to Taiwan and accommodation and per diems in Taiwan will also be covered.
The opportunity is open to graphic novelists and comic artists who can demonstrate a successful track record in the genre. This is likely to include a publication, either online or in print.
Applicants must be a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident.
Applicants must be available to participate and travel to both Auckland and Taiwan on the appropriate dates.
Application Process
Applicants should provide a covering letter which includes the following details:
- an outline of the applicant’s strengths and suitability for the residency
- ideas on how to create a successful collaborative process within the context of this project
- details of any experience of working on a collaborative artistic project
- confirmation of availability on the stipulated dates
Applicants are also asked to provide a relevant CV. If appropriate, please also include one copy of a recent publication.
Two letters of support which outline the applicant’s suitability for the project may be included with the application.
Applications close at 5.00pm on Monday 11 August, 2014.
Please send your cover letter and CV to Book Council Chief Executive Catriona Ferguson by email director@bookcouncil.org.nz or post applications to:
Graphic Novelist Residency
New Zealand Book Council
Level 4, 156–158 Victoria St
Te Aro Wellington 0630
If you have any questions please email Catriona Ferguson at director@bookcouncil.org.nz or call her on 021 0248 2637.
We gratefully acknowledge Creative New Zealand support for this project.
CATEGORIES: Fellowships awards and residencies Latest news and blog