06 Jun 2014

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Creative New Zealand to invest $192 million in national touring

A $1.92 million initiative to encourage national touring of contemporary New Zealand theatre, dance and music has been approved by Creative New Zealand’s Arts Council.

Creative New Zealand will invest $1.92 million over the next three financial years in an agency to provide national touring services and an associated fund for touring costs.

“An effective way to develop and manage touring of medium scale work has long been identified as a missing link in our arts infrastructure.  The agency and fund will be a catalyst for ensuring more audiences enjoy great New Zealand performing art experiences,” said Creative New Zealand Senior Manager Cath Cardiff.

“In our small country touring is essential for maintaining and increasing audiences for our arts companies and for sustaining the life of a new work beyond its first season,” she said.

The agency is expected to support  and manage tours to main and regional centres in collaboration with the sector including arts festivals.

In addition to this new initiative, Creative New Zealand will continue to support touring through its grants and investment programmes and through the Māori Arts Presentation Fund.

In September, Creative New Zealand will be calling for proposals to establish the touring agency with the intention of having it and the fund in place by March 2015.

The new initiative follows Creative New Zealand reviews of the music and dance sectors, which both identified lack of touring opportunities as an ongoing issue, and the completion of a pilot touring initiative, the Regional Presenters Fund.

“While the pilot had some success it became clear that our funding would be better directed towards supporting an agency that proactively worked in the sector with companies and venues to resource ‘tourable’ work which could reach a broader audience,” said Ms Cardiff.

“We’re excited to be able to provide a dedicated resource for touring expertise and associated services.  It will maximize our existing investment in the production of new work by giving it further life and opportunities for development.”