08 Dec 2011

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Young Writers and Readers Schools Day

A great opportunity for Secondary School students to learn from inspiring New Zealand, Australian and American writers as part of the Young Readers and Writers events at the New Zealand International Arts Festival.

The 50 minute sessions start at 9.30am and continue throughout the day. Writers taking part are:

Elizabeth Knox (The Vintner’s Luck and Dreamhunter), one of New Zealand’s most adventurous and imaginative fiction writers.

American young adult writer Kelly Link (The Wrong Grave, Pretty Monsters and Magic for Beginners) often described as a slipstream writer embracing a combination of science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery and realism.

Elizabeth and Kelly read from their books and discuss their common grounds of magic realism, fantasy and exciting writing.

Bernard Beckett is an award-winning writer of young adult fiction, his books include philosophical thriller Genesis and the mind-bending Jolt. He also teaches secondary school English, drama and mathematics.

Jane Higgins is a research fellow in youth studies at Lincoln University. She won the Text Prize for young adult writing for her impressive debut The Bridge, a gritty futuristic adventure.

Bernard and Jane discuss the compelling characters and dystopian worlds they create.

2007 Australian of the Year Tim Flannery is an internationally-acclaimed scientist, environmentalist and chairman of the Copenhagen Climate Council.  He has written over a dozen books, including the award-winning bestsellers The Future Eaters and The Weather Makers. Tim offers some visionary solutions to the increasing environmental pressures on our planet.

Find out more at: http://festival.co.nz/writers-and-readers/young-wr-day-schools-day/






Title: Young Writers and Readers / Schools Day
Venue: Wellington Town Hall
Date: 9 March 2012
Info: Just $8 per session