24 Jan 2012

In November and December 2011, Creative New Zealand approved a further $146,745 in grants from its Earthquake Emergency Response Fund to help re-establish an active arts scene in Christchurch.
“Our focus for the Earthquake Emergency Grants continues to be with the Christchurch artists and arts organisations directly affected. We have also supported New Zealand touring companies who have had to cancel performances because of the shortage of venues in the city, “ said Creative New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Wainwright.
A range of Christchurch artists received funding to research and develop temporary venues, alongside funding for artists and organisations that have lost revenue due to cancelled performances.
Grants include $25,000 towards research, development and implementation of a mobile gallery model by Martin Trusttum; $6,120 towards rental costs for artists studios; $20,949 toward lost revenue and extra costs incurred by the National Theatre for Children following the cancellation of Christchurch hires and a performance; $10,359 to Christchurch musicians Pacific Underground to support the rebuilding of their company; and $25,000 to Chamber Music New Zealand for lost revenue and costs incurred following the cancellation of concerts.
In addition to the Earthquake Assistance Grants, Creative New Zealand has approved an extra $60,000 to the Christchurch City Council for the Creative Communities Scheme(CCS). This scheme provides financial support to communities to help them participate in and develop the arts.
To date a variety of community organisations have received CCS grants including the Chart Music Industry Trust which has been awarded $10,000 towards a temporary venue for music groups in Cashel Mall, the Dance & Physical Theatre Trust were awarded $5,000 towards ticket subsidies for school students for Body Festival, and the Te Taumatu Runanga Society$3,000 towards Te Atakura Kapahaka Festival.
Since September 2010, Creative New Zealand has provided nearly $1.8 million in grants to artists, arts practitioners, and arts organisations directly affected by the Christchurch earthquakes through its Earthquake Emergency Response Fund.
The fund was established in addition to Creative New Zealand’s existing funding programmes, including the Creative Communities Scheme.
Information about eligibility criteria for the Earthquake Emergency Response Fund and how to apply can be found on the Creative New Zealand website.
The next round of EAG assessments will be in February 2012.
List of EAG recipients, activity and amounts:
- Chamber Music New ZealandLost revenue and extra costs incurred following the cancellation of Christchurch concerts, $25,000
- National Theatre for Childrenlost revenue and extra costs incurred following the cancellation of Christchurch hires and a performance, $20,949
- Pacific Undergroundsupport to rebuild their company, $10,359
- Martin Trusttumtowards research, development and implementation of mobile gallery model, $ 25,000
- Arts on Tour NZtowards storage of furniture, equipment and vehicle $3,577
- Warren Feeney Towards rental costs for artists studios, $6,120
- Strike PercussionLoss of incomedue to cancellation of concerts, $54,520
- Maria Gobinet-Wattstowards leasing lockable space for tools/equipment at Latimer Square $1,220
CATEGORIES: Community arts, Funding for organisations, Funding for individuals Latest news and blog