06 May 2015

Tērā te kōmaru kei te pōkia i tēnei ata ki runga i ngā maunga i roto i a Ngāpuhi.
He ao uru pea, kia tia taku rangi. Te Rau o Te Amokura ka ngaro nei Kia tikapa ko te rangi.
Haere rā Erima te whakaruruhau o te whānau.
Haere ki te au te rena, te urunga te taka, te moenga te whakaarahia.
Kua rere noa atu tō wairua kia rātau mā e tatari mai rā mōu. E kore rā koe e hoki mai anō.
Haere, moe mai ra.
Creative New Zealand is saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Ngati Hine leader and former Arts Council member Erima Henare.
Mr Henare’s knowledge of Te Reo and tikanga Māori and extensive management and governance experience made him a valuable member of the Creative New Zealand Arts Council.
Among the many other roles he held in his lifetime he served as the Chair of Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori, he was the former Chief Executive for Ngāti Hine Health Trust, an executive director of Māori at Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, a member of the Waitangi National Trust Board, and he also served as an advisor to Kingi Tuheitia.
He will be sorely missed.
He mea mama noa iho te tiki atu i te waka tere. He mea mama noa iho te whakatikatika i te whare, mehemea ka hinga tetahi paatu, tetahi atu waki ranei; engari ki te hinga te tangata e kore rawa e taea te rarau atu e te ringaringa.