Results posted: 22 April 2022
Projects funded
Total funding awarded
Eligible applications received
Total funding requested
9 projects totalling $567,698 have been offered to support projects by New Zealand artists and practitioners in this funding round. 31 eligible applications were received, with a total of $1,909,496 requested.
This fund supports ngā toi Māori artists and arts practitioners to work with marae, hapū, iwi, whakapapa-based rōpū and mātāwaka to protect, cultivate and retain mātauranga Māori related to heritage ngā toi Māori (Māori arts) and foster the distinctive arts and cultural practices and knowledge of hapū and iwi.
This funding round was made possible through additional funding of $510,000 from the Government’s Mātauranga Māori Te Awe Kōtuku initiative.
9 projects totalling $567,698 have been offered to support projects by New Zealand artists and practitioners in this funding round. 31 eligible applications were received, with a total of $1,909,496 requested.
Funded projects
$48,350 - To share the mātauranga of tūrapa and create tūrapa for a tupuna whare.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Karl Leonard
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$74,939 - Towards the Mana Whenua project, raising key issues on climate change through whakairo practice, technologies and values.
This content is tagged as Visual arts .
APPLICANT: Kereama Hohua
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$73,730 - He whakatū wānanga mō te hunga tā moko hei whakaū i te mātauranga māori ki roto i ngā mahi moko.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$67,720 - Towards a series of mahi toi wānanga promoting participation, transfer and cultivation of mātauranga Māori in Hauraki.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Pare Hauraki Collective and Nikky Fisher
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$37,458 - To create and publish a pukapuka about pūrākau and toi kupu relating to the hītori and mātauranga of Te Waotū pā sites.
This content is tagged as Literature .
APPLICANT: Shirley Simmonds
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$75,000 - To refine learnings and enhance whāriki produced that are enriched with Te Arawatanga.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Te Kono Mātauranga a Te Whare Pora Ltd
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$63,600 - Towards a series of marae-based wananga to teach Ngati Te Takinga wahine to become exponents of karanga.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Te Takinga Marae Trust
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$51,899 - Towards a series of wānanga to engage rangatahi in expressing Ngāruahine history through visual arts.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Te Whare korero o Ngaruahine
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund
$75,000 - Ki he kōkiritia i ngā uri o Ngāti Tara ki tōna ūkaipo, ki Te Manawa o Ngāti Tara.
This content is tagged as Customary Māori arts .
APPLICANT: Whatu Creative Limited
FUNDING POOL: Ngā toi Māori fund