02 Aug 2009

This content is tagged as Theatre .


Exciting new theatre opportunity in Beijing

The Asia New Zealand Foundation Beijing residency is now available for a professional or experienced/skilled New Zealand playwright, director or theatre-maker.

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is seeking applicants for the inaugural two month long residency which will be hosted by Theatre in Motion (TIM) Beijing from March to May 2010. The deadline for applications is September 25.

"This is a great chance for anyone working on an idea towards a production which would benefit from on-the-ground research in China," says Asia:NZ Culture Director Jennifer King.

"Theatre in Motion's cross-disciplinary approach means they can help the successful applicant meet a wide variety of arts people and possible collaborators to assist them develop their ideas."

TIM is a Belgium-based non-profit organization. Its representative office in Beijing was set up as an independent platform for performing arts in China, running residency and workshop programmes, curating international performances and assisting in the development of the local performing arts scene.

Applicants will be required to have a well-developed creative concept and provide compelling reasons for their need to be in China.

The successful candidate will share a two bedroomed apartment in downtown Beijing, with work space at TIM.

The Asia New Zealand Foundation will provide the following:

  • return economy airfare between New Zealand and Beijing
  • per diems of NZ$40 per day
  • cost of a single entry tourist visa
  • a contribution of NZ$300 towards travel insurance.

Beijing has a dynamic emerging contemporary performing arts scene and is now visited by an increasing number of international artists.

More information about the residency