12 Feb 2010

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Body a virtual composer

Jack Body has been invited to participate in the IAMIC - sponsored Virtual Composer in Residence programme. He will begin his month-long residency on February 15, 2010 together with his Austrian co-virtual resident composer Katharina Klement.

Through the Virtual Composer In Residence Programme, IAMIC aims to share, network and publish information about composers and their work and processes more widely, enabling the world-wide community of composers and audience members to connect with them through a virtula and interactive environment. IAMIC is making a special space available on their website and inviting a pair of composers to use this space to explore each others work and processes. The composers can use the website space to chat, exchange ideas, thoughts, links, music: scores, audio, video as digital files, possible projects and so on. Colleagues and audience members from around the world have the opportunity to join in the conversation through comments on this IAMIC webpage.
Jack Body is one of New Zealands most senior composers with a long and varied musical output across all genres. He has a particular interest in the music of other cultures and in bringing these into a relationship with traditional Western European music through transcription and electroacoustic elements. A leading educator, innovator and entrepreneur he has been responsible for many projects connecting musicians and musical cultures around the world.
Jack and Katharina are the second IAMIC Virtual Composers in Residence. The inaugural residents were John McLachlan (Ireland) and Lucien Posman(Belgium).