16 Jun 2016

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Indigenous Performance companies gather in Poneke for Matariki celebrations

As we celebrate the second week of the Kia Mau Festival, we are honoured to welcome national and international manuhiri (guests) from indigenous companies world-wide.

Giving added value to the dance aspect of our Kia Mau programme, several of our guests are generously giving their time and expertise to contribute kanikani (dance) Q&A discussions and a highly anticipated yoga session in te reo Māori with-in our series of DANZ Talks - Kia Mau ki te kōrero!

Other guests from Canada and Australia are participating, contributing or experiencing Kia Mau and the Matariki Development Festivals – sharing knowledge and stories, uniting us all under the stars of Matariki.

Nau mai, haere mai.

This week we are proud to present:

Rehearsed Reading – ‘CUZ’ by Billy McPherson from Moogahlin Performing Arts Incorporated (Sydney, Australia)

5-6pm, Wednesday 15 June at BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Tce

In 2016, MDF is partnering with Sydeny based Moogahlin Performing Arts Incorporated.  Moogahlin Performing Arts was formed in Redfern in November 2007 by a group of indigenous theatre artists, educators and community workers in honour of the late Kevin Smith's request and in memory of the founding members of the Black Theatre. Moogahlin is presenting a reading of ’Cuz’ by Billy McPherson, previously workshopped at Yellamundie Festival 2013. It is being further developed this week prior to reading, the start of a new development process leading into its next performance in 2018.

Q&A – Jacob Boehme from IDJA (Melbourne, Australia)
12-1pm, Wednesday 15 June at BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Tce
Jacob is an independent artist and Artistic Director of IDJA, Victoria's first professional Indigenous dance theatre. Jacob will be sharing his experience creating his solo dance work Blood on the Dance Floor.

Q&A – White Face Crew (Auckland, NZ)
12-1pm, Thursday 16 June at BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Tce
Showcasing the process behind their classic combination of physical theatre, clowning, contemporary and hip-hop dance styles that makes White Face Crew so cutting edge and hilarious. https://www.facebook.com/thewhitefacecrew/

Rehearsed Readings – Matariki Development Festival 2016

11am 17th & 18th June, City Gallery, Civic Square

In 2016, the festival will also present new writing by Hōhepa Waitoa with ‘He Kura E Huna Ana’, Jamie McCaskill with ‘The Biggest, Mīria George with ‘The Night Mechanics, as well as a Monologue Season with new writing by Taungaroa Emile, Manuel Solomon and Natala Gwiazdzinski.

Now in it’s seventh year - MDF 2016 - is an international script development festival and has featured new works by tangata whenua writers from Aotearoa, Australia and Canada.

All DANZ Talks - Kia Mau ki te kōrero events are koha.