18 Jun 2012

This content is tagged as Craft and Object art .


Craft Aotearoa launch survey on how New Zealanders engage with craft

Craft Aotearoa today launched a survey that aims to identify how the wider public engages in craft as well as profiling the craft sector.

The consultation is open from 18 June - 19 August and is in three parts:

  • Part One - seeking the views of the wider public and those engaged in craft.
  • Part Two - developing a profile of those that design and make craft in New Zealand.
  • Part Three - craftsmanship skills and qualifications.

The survey has 25 questions (though not all may apply) including sub-questions for students and graduates, and residents of Christchurch and Canterbury following the spate of recent earthquakes.

A public consultation meeting will be held in Auckland this Thursday 21st June at 7:30pm, as part of Objectspace's 7UP Talkfest.  Additional consultation meetings will take place in Dunedin (6th July), Wellington and Christchurch (to be confirmed).

For more information and a link to the survey visit: http://craftaotearoa.blogspot.com

For any futher enquiries please contact: Jenna-Lea Philpott, Founding Trustee, Craft Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Phone: 022 615 3669  or email: jenna-lea.philpott@craftaotearoa.org.nz