29 Feb 2016

New Zealand jewellery and design will feature at a major international trade fair in Germany this week.
Seven New Zealanders have been invited to showcase their work over 24 February to 1 March 2016 at Schmuck and Talente – two long-standing exhibitions that are part of the annual International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades in Munich. Schmuck and Talente attract the world’s top makers, curators, gallerists and collectors to see new work and to meet up-and-coming talents.
This will be the eighth year that Creative New Zealand will be supporting designers and makers to attend the two major exhibitions.
“We’re thrilled to continue supporting our people to profile their work and New Zealand’s design and craft/object sectors at these highly regarded international events,” says Creative New Zealand Senior Manager International Cath Cardiff.
Schmuck is the world’s premier exhibition for contemporary jewellery. This year jewellers Victoria McIntosh (Dunedin) and Moniek Schrijer (Lower Hutt) have been invited to present their work. They will be among 66 jewellers selected from around the world to exhibit.
Talente is one of Europe’s most prestigious showcases for emerging talent in design, technology and craft/object art. Now in its 35th year, it is a platform for young craft/object makers and designers to launch their careers to the wider European market. This year, five young New Zealanders have been invited to present their work:
- Matthew Galloway – typography (Dunedin)
- Sarah Kim – Jewellery (Auckland)
- Caroline Stephen – textiles (Auckland)
- Kate Hursthouse – typography (Auckland)
- Bellalucy Irving – textiles (Auckland)
The young New Zealanders will be among 102 artists, designers and craftspeople from 26 countries in 12 different areas of production.
Creative New Zealand has engaged Auckland-based contemporary jeweller Renee Bevan as the mentor for the artists selected for Talente. Renee, as a seasoned Talente and Schmuck participant and exhibitor, has previously mentored participants so they make the most of the opportunity.
New Zealand’s presence will also be felt at Munich Jewellery Week, which runs in concurrence with Schmuck and Talente and attracts international collectors, curators, experts, makers and enthusiasts.
Creative New Zealand is supporting a special Handshake Alumni Exhibition at renowned venue Einsaulensaal during Munich Jewellery Week. The exhibition includes works by more than 20 alumni of the two highly successful Handshake projects over 2011-2015, which were supported by Creative New Zealand.
Veteran New Zealand jewellers Professor Alan Preston and Dr Areta Wilkinson will give a guest lecture on the history of studio jewellery in Aotearoa at the prestigious Pinakothek der Moderne event during Munich Jewellery Week.
Wellington jeweller Lisa Walker is holding a solo exhibition, THE END, at Gallery Biró in Munich from 26 February to 2 April.
Image caption: Hand bag – Assorted Baggage series (2014), by Victoria McIntosh. Photos courtesy of the artist.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Jasmyne Chung
Senior Communications Adviser, Creative New Zealand
M +64 27 838 8868 | jasmyne.chung@creativenz.govt.nz
Further information
International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades
The 68th International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades (Internationalen Handwerksmesse München) is taking place 24 February – 1 March 2016 at the Gallery Handwerk in Munich, Germany. Schmuck and Talente are two of the exhibitions that are part of this annual event.
Schmuck and Talente
Schmuck is the oldest international jewellery exhibition in the world, having taken place since 1959.
Talente includes traditional applied arts such as ceramics and textiles, through to graphic design and typography, and even cutting-edge technological design. Exhibitors must be less than 33 years of age to apply, or less than 35 years of age for the technology section of the competition.
Handshake is a three-year mentoring and exhibition project which enables emerging talent to be mentored by jewellers of international renown. Creative New Zealand supported this project through its Toi Uru Kahikatea investment programme.
Creative New Zealand support for Munich 2016
Schmuck and Talente 2016
Selected makers and designers for Schmuck and Talente are funded for travel and accommodation. The Talente artists will also have the services of mentor Renee Bevan. This initiative is part of Creative New Zealand’s International Programme.
Handshake Alumni Exhibition
The Handshake Alumni Exhibition was supported through Creative New Zealand’s International Presentation Fund ($44,780).
Guest lecture – Prof Alan Preston and Dr Areta Wilkinson (Pinakothek der Moderne)
Creative New Zealand paid for Alan Preston’s travel and accommodation to allow him to provide the guest lecture at Pinakothek der Moderne. The Pinakotek der Moderne is supporting Dr Areta Wilkinson to attend.
Their lecture is about the history of studio jewellery in Aotearoa New Zealand. Practice in New Zealand has matured with the support of Fingers in Auckland, a jewellery gallery established by Alan Preston in 1974 and managed by makers for 40 years, representing 170 artists during that time. Hindsight reveals national, political and cultural influences distinguishing it from other International practices.
CATEGORIES: Events, Funding for individuals, International Latest news and blog