09 May 2012

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Randell Cottage celebrates 10 years of writer residencies

The Creative New Zealand Randell Cottage Writers Trust celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, with several special events.

Since 2002, the historic Randell Cottage in Thorndon, Wellington, has been home to 20 writers in residence - 10 from France and 10 from New Zealand. Each writer has spent six months living and writing in the Cottage supported by the Trust, which works in partnership with Creative New Zealand, the Embassy of France, and the New Zealand-France Friendship Fund.

The Trust hopes as many of the writers as possible will join in the 10th anniversary events. “We want to celebrate what each writer has brought to the cottage and what they’ve taken away, including their books – a number in translation – and their literary successes,” says Trustee Fiona Kidman. “And we want to celebrate the residency, and the cottage itself – all those words it played host to, all those writers it held in its hands.” 

The celebrations begin on Tuesday 12 June at 7pm with the AGM of the Friends of Randell Cottage at the cottage, 14 St Mary Street. Thorndon. On Tuesday 26 June, Wellington writer Beverley Randell, whose family donated the cottage to the Trust, will give two talks there on its history and preservation. Archive books and historical objects from the 1800s found under the cottage will be on display. The first talk will be from 4.30-6.00 pm and the second from 6.30-8.00 pm.  All welcome. Entry is free, although a koha toward cottage maintenance would be welcome.  Email info@randellcottage.co.nz to attend.

The festivities will continue over three days in October, starting with a special event on 4 October at the Wai-te-Ata Press to mark both the Trust’s 10th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of the Press. Hosted by Randell Cottage Writers Trust, the French Embassy and Wai-te-Ata Press, the reception will include the launch of Gnossienne, a limited edition poetry collection by former Randell writer Pat White, with artwork by Catherine Day, printed by Wai-te-Ata.

Public readings by Randell Cottage writers in residence will be held at the Wai-te-Ata Press on Friday 5 October.  On Saturday 6 October, the annual Randell Cottage Open Day will be held from 11 am - 4 pm, followed by a garden party at the cottage.

This year’s New Zealand writer in residence, the 21st author to live and work in the cottage, is poet, novelist and script writer Vivienne Plumb, who arrives in July. French author, Florence Cadier, has just returned to France after a successful summer in the cottage, where she finished the manuscript for a young adult novel set in New Zealand.  

For more information on the history of the cottage and the residency, go to www.randellcottage.co.nz  

Randell Cottage Writers 2002-2012: Vivienne Plumb 2012; Florence Cadier 2011; Peter Walker 2011; Yann Apperry 2010; Pat White 2010; Fariba Hachtroudi 2009; Kirsty Gunn 2009; Olivier Bleys 2008; Jennifer Compton 2008; Nicolas Kurtovitch 2007; Whiti Hereaka 2007; Annie Saumont 2006; Beryl Fletcher 2006; Dominique Mainard 2005; Renée 2005; Pierre Furlan 2004; Michael Harlow 2004; Charles Juliet 2003; Tim Corballis 2003; Nadine Ribault 2002; Peter Wells 2002.