02 Nov 2017

This content is tagged as Ngā toi Māori .


Creative New Zealand and Te Puni Kokiri team up

The Chief Executives of Creative New Zealand and Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) have signed a memorandum of understanding to advance some important shared Māori arts and culture projects that will benefit Māori and the arts sector.

Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra. Kia hiwa ra ki tēnei tuku, kia hiwa ra ki tērā tuku, kia tu, kia oho kia mataara. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engāri he toa takitahi anei ra tātou e tuitui nei i ngā here kia mahitahi ai tatou mo te paenga o nga toi.

Together the two organisations will develop an innovative online tool to help Māori navigate government and more easily find advice, funding, templates, toolkits, research and practical things of value that support arts development and marae sustainability. 

They will also work together on a research project looking at how art and culture can improve outcomes for whanau. Both organisations will share progress in time.